Friday, July 18, 1930

Mrs. Mary Lucitelli [Maria Giuseppa Ramaglia], 79, 624 Market Street, died at St. Mary's Hospital at 1:10 o'clock this morning from burns received when her clothing caught fire accidentally yesterday afternoon. Her body, arms, and legs were seared by the flame. Mrs. Lucitelli's clothes caught fire in the rear of her home about 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon when she stooped to throw some papers on a small trash fire. Her apparel caught almost immediately and was practically burned from her body before neighbors and passersby could help. Lee Bagby, 402 Clark Street, the first person to reach the woman, said that she fanned the flames until they leaped above her head by running. He caught her and, aided by Mrs. Margaret Lucitelli, a daughter-in-law of the woman, succeeded in tearing the remaining clothes from the woman. She became unconscious as they were tearing the burning clothes from her body and someone threw a bucket of water over her. She was rushed to St. Mary's Hospital. Bagby was burned about his hands and arms while Mrs. Margaret Lucitelli was burned about the hands and head in extinguishing the fire from the older woman's clothes.